Globally, media is in crisis: in addition to public mistrust and eroding revenue models, we are witnessing overt threats and attacks against media, often by government actors or vested interests. Th...
Events -
From Brexit to the upcoming European parliament elections, money from unknown sources is increasingly influencing Europe’s politics, boosting the rise of populism across the continent. Over the last...
One month before the European elections, journalism within Europe is still largely produced within nation states for distinct national audiences. But are there signs of increased demand for truly pan-...
Journalism today is in many ways better than it ever was, but the funding models that support it are existentially threatened. With traditional sources of revenue from print and broadcast in inevitabl...
National security is one of the most important and difficult beats in journalism. Accurate reporting of this burgeoning public and private sector industry has become more significant in recent years. ...
James Ball, author of Post-Truth: How Bullshit Conquered The World, commissioner of the London School of Economics' Truth, Trust and Technology report, and journalist covering online and Russian disin...
Media capture constitutes one of the gravest and most intractable new threats to independent journalism around the world. In country after country, collusion between governments and wealthy media owne...
Pitfalls of over-reacting to populism: the relationship between populism and the media
'Populist' politics are on the rise around the world. These movements have been boosted by their success at capturing attention on social and mainstream media. Often they are a direct challenge to mai...
Around the world, most recently including liberal democracies, journalism and journalists are under attack. But that is a symptom of a much deeper trend: a move away from the basic freedoms that were ...
In this workshop, Corinne Podger will introduce you to a curated selection of apps aimed at journalists for professional video recording, video editing, audio recording, audio editing, and photography...