It is here and now. The climate is changing and is changing for everybody: for the environment, for economics, for the people. The political debate, even when someone denies it, cannot avoid dealing w...
Events -
Presentation of the book Democracy hacked: how technology is destabilising global politics (2018) by Martin Moore. Moderated by Mathew Ingram. In the space of one election cycle, authoritarian gove...
What are the major challenges in running an independent newsroom and how to get it financially working? What can be learned from the traditional models and where are the limits? What are possible sour...
Investigative journalists have much in common, not least an obsessive attention to detail and a compulsion to keep digging when most normal people would move on. But are these inherent character trait...
Never was the need for clear and comprehensive reporting from across the globe more crucial to ensuring a better future for the globe. And yet in spite of technological advancements which should have ...
Viktor Orbán's Hungary has become a difficult place for independent journalists and media organizations. In recent years, outlets critical of the government have been forced to close or have been sol...
Solutions journalism - rigorous reporting on how people are responding to social problems - has quickly become a standard practice in hundreds of newsrooms across the United States, with powerful inte...
More news organisations are producing engaged journalism, where readers can be involved in the editorial process at different levels, than ever before. Media leaders have started to acknowledge that b...
Real digital transformation involves more than shiny new things and being agile. These are important for innovation, of course, but can also give a seductive and false sense of forward motion, of beat...
One of the greatest challenges in development reporting is creating connections. How can journalists build strong links between people from both sides of the world and make them relate to topics that ...