The Stories on Umbria International Journalism Award, organised by the Umbria Chamber of Commerce, is reserved to those articles dealing with the region’s artistic-cultural-environmental points of ...
Events - other topics
European Press Prize in conversation: lightning talks and 2024 shortlist announcement
The European Press Prize, the awards for excellence in European journalism, brings to the IJF its Lightning Talks. Three inspirational sessions by renowned European Press Prize laureates will bring yo...
The past decades in the media industry have been characterized by cost-cutting, efficiency programs and pressure to transform. The rapid development of generative AI is currently accelerating these tr...
The new nuclear landscape: reporting on nuclear weapons and security at the dawn of a new arms race
As China increases its nuclear capabilities, and both the U.S. and Russia modernize their nuclear arsenals, the world has become more dangerous as the New START Treaty expires. Our panelists will disc...
RuralCiak - Edizione II. Il concorso che premia le produzioni video dello sviluppo rurale realizzati dalle Regioni e Province autonome italiane Ministero dell'Agricoltura, della Sovranità Alimenta...
News producers need to take steps now to secure their future audiences. In this session, FT Strategies will share the findings of an 8-month research project (conducted in collaboration with Medill Sc...
Musica e gang, ragazzini e mafie, azione e fascinazione. Gli ultimi fatti di cronaca vedono spesso protagonisti ragazzini, spesso organizzati in bande criminali. A Milano come a Napoli o Londra o Pari...
"Non esiste un futuro scritto ineluttabile; il futuro lo scriviamo tutti i giorni con le nostre azioni. L’essere umano ha le capacità di cambiare le cose. L’importante è coltivare sempre il sens...
How should Europe’s mainstream media cover far-right political parties? Should they denounce, ignore, contextualize, include, or mainstream far-right rhetoric and policies? Far-right populist parti...
Most discussions about the future of journalism give little explicit attention to the place and purpose of visuals, especially photojournalism. While it is commonplace to acknowledge the importance of...
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