Journalism is constantly looking for new ways of storytelling, experimenting with technology. At the same time, artists too are trying to find new ways to attract an audience. And as different narrati...
Events - other topics
Miriam Wells is impact editor at The Examination, a global investigative public health newsroom, where she leads a strategy to maximise the real world change sparked by the journalism. She pioneered...
For years now the China "story" has been one of the most important beats to cover. But as China's role on the world stage has grown, so too have the challenges of covering the country. The very real d...
Thousands of kilometres from home, exploited and unprotected, victims of human trafficking have gone through countless horrors. Without careful planning, journalists wanting to tell their stories can ...
The Publix Building in Berlin provides top-quality infrastructure for journalism and civil society work. We bring together a network of people who are working on vital questions facing the future of t...
Il 6° Rapporto presentato a dicembre 2023 dalla Fondazione GIMBE parla di un Servizio Sanitario Nazionale giunto al capolinea. Secondo il presidente Nino Cartabellotta 'i princìpi fondanti del SSN -...
The dreamers: Afghan Women's Resistence è il docufilm di “Avvenire” che apre l’incontro #ijf24, La Resistenza delle donne Afghane. L’intenso cortometraggio (17 mins), filma l’attività del...
Global health to local health: from research to action from a One Health perspective
Intervengono: Marco Cristofori, Responsabile Centro regionale per la salute globale (CERSAG) Usl Umbria 2 Fabrizio Loce Mandes, Centro regionale per la salute globale (CERSAG) Usl Umbria 2 Stefa...
Global perspectives, local narratives: how to break tech journalism out of the bubble
In an increasingly interconnected world, it is hard to exaggerate the outsize impact of technology on people and policies in our communities. However, most tech journalism is Western-led, focused o...
Public service media promise to play a special role in society and, at their best, remain some of the most widely used and highly and broadly trusted sources of news. But public service media also fac...
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