Globally, media is in crisis: in addition to public mistrust and eroding revenue models, we are witnessing overt threats and attacks against media, often by government actors or vested interests. Th...
Events - media under attack
Media capture constitutes one of the gravest and most intractable new threats to independent journalism around the world. In country after country, collusion between governments and wealthy media owne...
Eight years after the so-called Arab Spring, the Middle East has had to come to terms with even more ferocious dictatorships than of past decades. The case of the assassination of Saudi journalist Jam...
With journalism under pressure from major politicians across the world, how can editors and others work to protect journalists? This panel offers a wide range of different perspectives on how pressure...
At least 52 journalists were killed in 2018, 33 of who were murdered in retaliation for their work. The brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi and continuing impunity for those who ordered and carried out h...
Media capture, the control of journalism outlets by business tycoons and their government cronies, has already existed. In the digital age however it takes new forms. This panel will discuss the role ...
Journalism in Ukraine faces many challenges, from conflict reporting about the war with Russia, through disinformation and infowar, to freedom of press issues, oligarchy influence and ownership. But o...
Recent murders of reporters in Slovakia, Malta, and Bulgaria have shone a light on endemic problems that journalists in Eastern Europe have been facing for years. But do journalists need to get killed...
Journalists from Nigeria (Wana Udobang), Turkey (Kaya Genc) and Malta (Caroline Muscat) talk about how to fight back against attempts to censor reporting, what works and doesn't work as well as what i...
Jamal Khashoggi: born 13 October 1958 (Medina) murdered 02 October 2018 (Istanbul)
The death of Jamal Khashoggi was more than the murder of a journalist. It has undermined the axis with Saudi Arabia on which Donald Trump's United States had built their entire Middle Eastern policy, ...