Viktor Orbán's Hungary has become a difficult place for independent journalists and media organizations. In recent years, outlets critical of the government have been forced to close or have been sol...
Events - media under attack
When a state trolls: strategies for responding to online harassment against journalists
In the Philippines, a coordinated campaign of “paid trolls, fallacious reasoning, leaps in logic, poisoning the well” were among “the propaganda techniques that helped shift public opinion on ke...
Today, freelance journalists face multiple, hybrid threats. Not just on the frontlines of conflict but closer to home and from behind their laptops. Intimidation, disinformation, legal challenges, sur...
Freedom after expression: censorship of the press and violence against journalists in India and Pakistan
Growing levels of scrutiny, pressure, and intimidation tactics on the press in both India and Pakistan have introduced a disturbing era of undeclared censorship from state and non-state actors in both...
With press freedom increasingly under attack and violence against journalists on the rise, there is much to be said about the state of media today. Most media organizations, however, shy away from rep...
Why are journalists from so many countries the objects of attack by political actors who are "running against the system?" What is the logic and pattern of these attacks, and how do they differ from c...
What are we getting when we read news stories and analysis from the Middle East? Are we getting the truth, half the truth or nothing near the truth? In Egypt there is censorship that makes telling the...
The session will explore different ways in which press freedom is threatened and how that translates into innovative media projects in the CEE region. We are going to talk about the polarization and i...
The media milieu in Central Europe is unique: It is a young market struggling with a high concentration of media ownership, economic fragility, and an ingrained lack of reader trust. Despite these obs...
Journalism when caught between right-wing extremism and military authoritarianism
This session explores the crises of journalism and freedom of expression globally in term of the quandary in which we find ourselves, faced by religious and ideological extremism (e.g. Islamist extrem...