Presentation of the winners of the 2016 Amazon IJF scholarship. Benjamin Pagliaro, founder of Good Morning Italy, will moderate a session with the presence of Alessio Santarelli, Director EU Conte...
Events - presentations
Google Digital News Initiative: promoting innovation and high quality in digital journalism
The Digital News Initiative (DNI) is a partnership between Google and news publishers in Europe to support high quality journalism through technology, to encourage a more sustainable news ecosystem,...
Sustainability movements are spreading in a growing number of sectors: food, energy, real estate, to name just a few. Only in journalism the notion of sustainability seems to lack any momentum. We t...
Technology has made it easy to make a really good camera fly. Now apps are making it so you don't even have to be a decent pilot. Journalists around the world are clamoring to use drones -- and many...
With publication imminent by Chiarelettere of the book Silenzi di Stato, dieci storie di trasparenza negata e di cittadini che non si arrendono (State Silences: ten stories about denied transparenc...
Greenpeace has hired a team of investigative journalists as part of its plans to make investigation journalism one of three pillars of its environmental campaigning. Maeve McClenaghan, formerly of t...
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