Stephan Weichert will give an insight into his study which examined actions on all of the four journalistic levels (research, production, publishing and user interaction) that are adopted by techn...
Events - presentations
Beyond crowdsourcing: how to get citizens involved in investigative journalism
At CORRECT!V, we believe that everybody can be a journalist. We have started, a platform where we run investigations in the open and ask citizens to help. To get people involved, w...
In July 2015, the small editorial team of was notified that their journalists were under investigation by the German Public Prosecutor General and faced at least two years in prison....
The Coral Project is creating open-source tools and resources for publishers of all sizes to build better communities around their journalism. It also collects, supports and shares practices, tools...
The principles of design thinking and running lean are fairly known in the tech/start-up world but they are rather new in the newsroom. In this session you will not only learn a new way to build ne...
Alessio Santarelli, Director EU Content Store Kindle, and Simone Spetia, Radio 24 journalist, will be the speakers in the session to share observations and suggestions based on the best practices re...
From GDP to teacher evaluations to IQ to pageviews, every aspect of our lives is measured and, more often than not, mis-measured. Learn about the problems with university rankings, how we measure ec...
Clickbait vs mandate: how public service broadcasters balance integrity and page views
Clickbait vs mandate: how public service broadcasters can balance journalistic integrity with the pursuit of page views. Public broadcasters are strapped for cash and under extreme pressure to rema...
The future of local independent journalism won’t look like its past. And while that is creating unprecedented challenges for newsrooms, it is also opening up new opportunities to reimagine the rol...
Nicaragua and Cuba are two countries where the restrictions to freedom of expression make the work of independent journalists pretty difficult. The campesino’s march to protest against the constr...
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