Italian organised crime is a global problem, yet all syndicates maintain strongholds in their local area. Three newsrooms - Grandangolo in Agrigento (Sicily), Il Dispaccio in Reggio Calabria, CORRE...
Events - panel discussions
It's time to propose new models to filter the massive overflow of news and re-establish a relationship of trust between journalists and readers. It's time for a leisurely revolution.
In a year when a woman is running for the president of the US, a woman has become the editor of The Guardian, and debates about women in business and in the boardroom are top of mind, have we made a...
While in the West the crisis in traditional news media is deepening, in Asia the situation is different. In China, despite countless difficulties and regulations, some investigative journalism is be...
The question of the role of quality journalism in the digital age and winning strategies for the distribution of video content are the greatest challenges for media companies nowadays. With an over ...
It’s been over two years since the Snowden revelations, and the debate about surveillance, civil liberties, national security and counterterrorism continues. Journalists around the world face impe...
In newsrooms around the world, “product” teams are bringing together digital thinkers from both the newsroom and the business side. Together, they’re working to invent new ways of delivering t...
For years now, our screens have been dominated by images of migrants and refugees embarking on the perilous journey to Europe, often risking their lives to reach a continent which is increasingly in...
In the last year, we’ve seen a number of breaking news events where content posted by eyewitnesses to social media has become a story in its own right. Whether that’s the hounding of students ca...
Does journalism inform or explain itself on social media? Do companies communicate or make news? Journalists and communicators use the same tools and the same techniques on the same platforms. Wha...
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