Concepts around economics and business are more complex than ever. At the same time clearly communicating what is happening in the global economies and in business is also more important than ever a...
Events - panel discussions
We journalists aren't typically natural collaborators. We're competitive and autonomy is critical to our work. Yet, in an era of disrupted business models, scarce resources and new digital possibili...
Reporting on the Israel-Palestine conflict is possibly one of the more demanding of journalistic assignments. The elements which come into play are multifarious: cultural, political, linguistic, eco...
Journalism and Silicon Valley: the changing relationship between the news industry and social platforms. There is no more intriguing or important commercial relationship in journalism today than th...
This session will try to answer the following questions: - What are the main definitions of “terror attack” in the international media? - How can media organisations get ready to react to terr...
How to cover an election? We are accustomed to TV marathons, but we are increasingly getting news through online newspapers, live blogs and updates of the results via Twitter. In between, the classi...
Encryption, trojans, backdoor: cyber-security has become mainstream news. What’s at stake? Why is cyber-war such a hot topic? And how is it that abstruse technological issues have become items on ...
Is there such a thing as the ‘right’ to be forgotten? The European Court of Justice and European Commission think so. Should there be? Badly defined, it might threaten freedom of knowledge and i...
The ins and outs of corporate communication and storytelling in the wake of the case study Eni vs Report.
Through digitalization our world and the labour market are changing irreversibly. What does this mean for young people? And for the not so young? Is it more of a threat or an opportunity? What is th...
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