The Italian version of The Huffington Post was launched in September 2012. Some six months on, it's time to take stock with editor Lucia Annunziata and deputy editor Gianni Del Vecchio.
Events - in conversation
Aspirations to the sublime and the reality of the daily grind. Ruminations on writing, journalism, dialogue.
The situation is grave but not serious. Let's drink to it! Tow moments to discuss what's happening, with the right dose of lightness and irony. Organised by Carlsberg Italia
Michele Serra interviews Claudio Bisio. Organised in association with UNICEF
Bernardo Valli is a seasoned foreign correspondent of the Italian daily La Repubblica. An opportunity to hear his thoughts on how technological change is pulling apart reporter and reported, despite...
Update: event in programme at 19:00 will now take place at 21:00 A window on the web as a “personal exorcism” against the fears of daily life: so Yoani Sanchez, Cuban blogger and symbol of the c...
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