Interview of Ezio Mauro, editor of the Italian daily La Repubblica, including questions from the audience-at-large via Twitter. The hashtag to participate is #mauro. To be broadcast live on repubb...
Events - in conversation
In conversation with Alicia Giménez-Bartlett. Organised by the Town Council of Perugia and the Circolo dei Lettori di Perugia
Italy in a microcosm. Claudia and Claudio - young, qualified, talented, ambitious – leave their homeland to go and work in Barcelona, Spain. Concita – not-so-young, qualified, respected, establi...
Being a journalist today; on the road, on the web, on a bike, close to or far from the champions. A 360-degrees conversation with Gianni Mura, perhaps the most respected Italian sports journalist ...
And the Italy of tomorrow? Beppe Severgnini – the most-followed Italian journalist on Twitter – in his latest book Italiani di domani addresses just this issue. He identifies 8 ‘T’s as the k...
An interview of Sarah Varetto, director of Sky News Italy, in the Leader. Femminile Singolare series of events held throughout Italy on the subject of women who get to the top of their chosen profes...
Enzo Biagi (1920-2007) was a highly respected Italian journalist and writer. The book Casa Biagi. Una storia familiare (Rizzoli, 2012), written by his daughters Bice and Carla Biagi, has recently be...
Banks rely on the confidence of their customers and especially of their depositors. Without that confidence the banks could not function - this is not a confidence trick but a confidence fact. So wh...
How and why what you eat is a political act. From Eataly to the world. Oscar Farinetti in conversation with Giovanna Zucconi. Organised in association with UNICEF
Italian politics today. Music hall farce? Epic tragedy? Or a peep into the future of Western democracy. Vittorio Zucconi in conversation with Filippo Ceccarelli.
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