Life in space for the Italian astronaut Samantha Cristoforetti, who spent seven months in orbit around the Earth on the International Space Station. What does it mean to carry your childhood dreams to...
Events - in conversation
Olivia Ma, Director of the Google News Lab, a global team that collaborates with journalists and news organisations on some of the biggest challenges and opportunities facing the industry. Olivia has ...
Never in history have so many people been displaced by political and military conflicts at home–more than 65 million globally. For over a decade, human rights journalist Agus Morales has journeyed ...
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Una riflessione su attualità e dimensione spirituale, cercando un punto di vista che vada al di là della pura cronaca o della prospettiva quotidiana, raccontando il paese che siamo e che spesso pref...
Activism, feminism and the fight for human rights. In conversation with Inna Shevchenko
Activism, feminism and the fight for human rights, also against authoritarian regimes. Plus the use of the body as an instrument for impactful activism. Interview of Femen leader Inna Shevchenko. Mod...
A slew of accusations has hit NGOs recently, especially those saving lives in the Mediterranean; "sea taxis", "the party is over", "stop the business of immigration", "stop invasion", "no to ethnic su...
Having survived one of the worst mass shootings in America, students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, reacted immediately by mobilizing to prevent such an atrocity ever ha...
It is widely believed that the current political conflict takes place along the line that opposes the elite and the people. But can the elites be identified with the establishment, that is, the set of...
Digging ditches, feeding crocodiles. Zerocalcare between state of the art and state of the soul
The comics of Zerocalcare have entered the age of majority: eighteen years of publications, more than a million books sold in Italy, dozens of editions in all languages and a personal exhibition...
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