In this workshop, Corinne Podger will introduce you to a curated selection of apps aimed at journalists for professional video recording, video editing, audio recording, audio editing, and photography...
Events - AI/audio/video/voice/VR
This workshop promotes a hands-on approach to the emerging field of XR journalism. Our open source toolkit XRDok lets you create CGI-based stories in an easy and fast way. It lets users combine 3d obj...
Visual storytelling offers immense possibilities for audiences to engage with and experience the stories journalists report on. As demand for this kind of content expands, so too does the number of to...
Expanding Alexa to Italy: an overview on teaching Alexa the things that matter most to Italian customers. Gianmaria Visconti, Alexa leader in Italy, will explain how the Alexa experience was translat...
VR journalism immerses the viewer in a way that journalistic reporting can’t quite achieve. However, some people think VR journalism can't take it up - is it the new medium or is the hype already ov...
What's your podcast strategy? How publishers and independent creators are navigating media's fastest growing ecosystem. The current podcast industry had its big bang moment in 2014, the year that Ser...
Entro il 2030 la Cina punta a diventare leader mondiale nell'Intelligenza artificiale, scalzando il primato tecnologico americano. Tra software, applicazioni e controllo sociale la vera sfida tra le d...
AI, machine learning, predictive justice and automated decision-making processes. The impact of algorithms on citizens' freedoms
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, predictive justice and automated decision-making processes. The impact of algorithms on citizens' freedoms. Risks and possible solutions. The public debate ...
News, commenti, anteprime, inchieste, interviste. I maggiori quotidiani italiani stanno sperimentando l’utilizzo dei contenuti audio come nuovo strumento per un giornalismo di qualità. Una nuova op...
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