How the major international news agencies are organizing themselves to play an increasingly important role in the new information ecosystem: from multimedia to AI, a high profile focus on the transfor...
Events - panel discussions
Is precariousness at work an irreversible reality, a sign of our times, or is it a pervasive ideology that makes us see such a condition as normal? Do automation, the web and the sharing economy outli...
Digital transformation is driving huge changes in our industry, including newsrooms themselves. A decade ago, it would have been surprising to find developers, digital designers, audience specialists ...
A TV series in five episodes for TV2000 and a web series for The idea? To propose, through the voices of the young volunteers of Doctors with Africa CUAMM, a different point of view on...
Large, global media companies are pursuing new audiences in a more localised way, tailoring offerings for different territories. How local should these global players go. Are these offerings disruptiv...
"Science is not democratic": a slogan that has spread in the public debate, helping to raise a barrier between scientists on one side and conspiracy theorists or simple skeptics on the other. Yet, eve...
Modeled after the Newsgeist sessions that ask "What Could Google Do for News?", we will bring the discussion about Facebook's role and responsibility in society directly to journalism with a construct...
To coincide with the tenth anniversary of the 2008 financial crash, this panel will consider the impact of that crash on the media worldwide, and ask what lessons have been learnt, by business reporte...
Local news in the US and Europe is in crisis. Research in the US, UK, the Netherlands and elsewhere has revealed widespread 'news deserts' or 'dark spots', where citizens have little or no access to l...
Revolution of the regionals: how German regional media re-organize and centralize their news distribution
More and more big publishing houses in Germany have built central organized newsrooms lately that distribute national content (both for print and digital) for several regional outlets at the same time...
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