The right to be forgotten and de-indexing: the difficult balance between the needs of restoring privacy and freedom of expression. The publication of articles and journalistic archives on the interne...
Events - law&order
From computer espionage to propaganda to information influence through the internet: the new info wars between nation-states. Nations have made the internet, and especially the news on it, a site of...
Among all the liberties guaranteed in a democratic regime, freedom of expression has a crucial role. However, in the information society, the right to free manifestation of thought is not limited to t...
Is there a magic formula to calculate the tolerance range of freedom of expression? How do you measure legally the distance between the irresponsibility of social network platforms, the simplified not...
FOIA vs fake news (i.e. the importance of accessing documents for journalism). The law providing for the right to know all documents and data in the hands of the public administration and state-cont...
The difficult balancing of interests between the protection of journalists and their sources and law enforcement. The terrorist emergency is pushing different countries to enact laws to increase the...
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