The election victory of Donald Trump was a shock to many, both in the USA and elsewhere. The aggressive electoral campaign, the attacks on the media and minorities, the obvious support of the extreme...
Events - in conversation
After the end of the Obama presidency, the detention camp at Guantanamo Bay remains standing, despite a long sequence of institutional promises and demands from American civil society. Trump has dec...
A new era of information warfare: the DNC, the Podesta mails, Sony Pictures, etc. State-sponsored hacking and leaking and what it means for journalism. "Strategic leaking“ by states and intelligenc...
Russian investigative journalist Andrei Soldatov and BBC Panorama reporter John Sweeney assess the evidence that the man in the White House may have got there thanks to the man in the Kremlin. The ...
Fake news - it's nothing new. What I learned about fact, fiction and the American press by researching and writing two historical non-fiction books. By Claire Prentice. Introduction by Alessandro Sacc...
Two women, two stories of denied rights, persecution, and the price that authoritarian regimes impose to those who seek truth and fight for freedom of expression. Maryam Al-Khawaja is an activist who...
Interview of Firas Fayyad, director of the Sundance-winning film The Last Men in Aleppo. Clips of the documentary will be shown. The Last Men in Aleppo was filmed on the streets of Aleppo, now comp...
#netzwende. Trump is the best that could ever happen to journalism - because it is a wake-up call that has long been overdue. Considering this potential, VOCER takes the opportunity of hosting a panel...
On how news of environmental disasters is presented, comparing traditional reporting on the ground with digital media storytelling. Organised in association with Greenpeace.
The session will take as its starting point the issues raised in Jonathan Albright's Guardian article of 09 December 2016 entitled Stop worrying about fake news. What comes next will be much worse.