The war in ex Yugoslavia started twenty-five years ago in 1991. Firstly it was Slovenia to move towards independence and then the Croatian War of Independence contributed to the continued dismantlin...
Events - panel discussions
Messaging apps and Chatapps like Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, Snapchat, Viber, and WeChat are soaring in popularity. This shift means that increasingly, valuable eyewitness media is being shared on...
Can a robot do my job? Understanding the growing trends in the world of computational journalism. With the Associated Press, amongst others, using automated journalism techniques to publish many of...
A reflection on the narration of the tragedy of migrants, as seen from different perspectives. With Matina Stevis, WSJ Africa correspondent, who has covered refugees and migrants in Europe, the Midd...
Working in and reporting on war zones. What's changed? Organised in association with Medici Senza Frontiere.
Three BuzzFeed country editors - from Canada, France and Spain - will discuss BuzzFeed International's strategy, with a focus on what works - and what doesn't - country by country. They'll share how...
Between ad blocking and sinking CPM's, funding for high-quality journalism is harder and harder to come by. From donations to micropayments, crowdfunding to billionaires, we'll explore what's workin...
Yemen is presented by the Western media as the hideout of al-Qaeda and the kingdom of child brides. But it is also a nation with a millenary culture and youthful creativity, both back in vogue durin...
End female genital mutilation: journalism and campaigning together on a global scale
In four countries, the Guardian's Global Media campaign - powered by - has amplified the grassroots work of campaigners against Female Genital Mutilation in the UK, the US, Kenya and the...
A group of Syrian reporters, photographers and video-makers from all the Syrian regions risk their lives to document the daily and often silent struggle of the members of civil society who are worki...