What levers can be used to communicate in the most effective way the importance of doing some form of sport? What tools can help us to turn a good communication campaign into best practice? The role...
Events - panel discussions
The crisis of the traditional model of parties, the personalisation of politics and ‘strong’ governments have all been ongoing processes in Italy for more than twenty years. The search for conse...
Newspapers and news platforms are increasingly trying to establish a relationship with a young audience through social media: BBC on Instagram, CNN on Snapchat. Twitter and Facebook are becoming cha...
The Syrian conflict is one of the longest and bloodiest of the Middle East. Nevertheless, there are very few journalists who have managed to document it on the ground. This is why activists who have...
From live debate on light topics to live witness accounts of citizens facing an emergency: how are Italian radio stations taking the opportunities of social networks to involve listeners in content ...
In Italy, the legal recognition of LGBT rights lags behind the rest of Europe, as demonstrated by the recently-approved law on civil unions. What is the role of the Italian media in reporting on top...
The panel will deal with the complexity of the communication processes involving human, IT and environmental sciences, through the results of research - including linguistics, computer science and e...
Eleven per cent of the citizens of Umbria are non-Italian, one of the highest rates of any Italian region. How have these communities been reported by local journalism over the years? Has the local ...