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Diversity management in the newsroom. International examples and data

How many people in Italian newsrooms are of foreign origin? How many women, disabled people and those with different sexual orientation are sitting side by side in the editorial offices of the major European and Italian outlets? Is it an advantage or just window dressing to have a staff with different origin, sex, and culture?

A workshop on practices used in other European countries and overseas will answer these questions and offer suggestions to editors of Italian publications. The Italian and European situation will be analyzed using the data produced from the survey conducted recently by the Charter of Rome, while speakers will also open a window on the state of the situation in Turkey and the USA.

This workshop is designed for Italian editors, as well as for those who have decided to set up or run a newsroom in Italy. It will be moderated by Ngalula Beatrice Kabutakapua, freelance journalist and documentary filmmaker.

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Stephane Bijoux

director of diversity France Télévisions

Tana De Zulueta

president UNRWA Italy

Vittorio Di Trapani

secretary-general USIGRAI

Beatrice Kabutakapua

freelance journalist

Anna Meli

director of communications COSPE

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