The internet is by far the most powerful means of communicating information that the world has ever seen. Tools like the hyperlink, and blogging, and Wikipedia, opened up astonishing new horizons in t...
Events - presentations
For background reading on the remarkable De Correspondent success story; Mathew Ingram's This online journalism startup raised $1.7M in crowdfunding and you've never heard of it
Digital safety is a hot issue at the moment. After Snowden some journalists have panicked about using Google etc. This presentation will focus on how journalists should deal with this issue. Is it rea...
We hear a lot about how we can improve tweeting, the best time to tweet and how to use hashtags. This panel will look more closely at areas not typically addressed in articles and on panels. Storie...
On how Barcroft Media became the fifth biggest news provider in the world on YouTube
On how Barcroft Media became the fifth biggest news provider in the world on YouTube. See article for more information.
For more information on the Brown Moses blog, read Mathew Ingram's article The rise of Brown Moses: how an unemployed British man has become a poster boy for citizen journalism
Co-founders Stephan Faris and Marc Herman present DECA, a writer’s cooperative creating longform stories from around the world. Inspired by the photo agencies of the mid-twentieth century, this grou...