From slot machines to the State lottery: how to remain serene and aloof while the nation is in the grip of a betting frenzy. Organised in association with Rizzoli
Events - books
"... finance is not only a dramatic sleight of hand, the level of conflict has risen beyond limits, and we fight no longer for a profit with many zeros. It is the survival of the West as we know it. I...
Antonio Sofi and Giovanni Ziccardi, two unrepentant technological devotees, take a slightly disenchanted and ironic look at what technology is removing from our lives and how it is possible to return ...
What we know about Italian soldiers is what newspapers and television tell us. We hear about them when they die, we wonder about what they do and how they are useful, but we never know what they feel....
“In an exercise of memory proposed by Sandra Bonsanti, the author retraces the main stages of the nihilistic and criminal history of the relationship of power-money in recent decades and hidden unde...
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