Self-financing, crowd-funding, non-profit funding and story campaigns. The struggle of independent journalists and filmmakers in today's post-industrial environment to find sustainable ways to tell ...
Events - workshops
The geek is generally synonomous with relatively young, slightly obsessive, potentially brilliant, mildly awkward males. Time for a rethink? Girl Geek Life is an Italian niche magazine aimed at broa...
Every three days on average a woman is murdered in Italy by her husband, partner, lover or ex. A social emergency which for years the media has covered (if at all) from the ‘crime of passion’ an...
Live coverage of breaking news is now common for media organisations, with many of them running several live blogs simultaneously which is changing classical storytelling. New live blogging tools ar...
Digital fact-checking Journalists need to update their fact-checking skills to the digital age. In this workshop you will learn to dig deeper with web search, identify internet hoaxes and verify so...
International news reporting is becoming more dangerous than ever before. According to the International Federation of Journalists, more than 120 journalists were deliberately targeted and killed in...
We live more and more in a world of activities generated by a "data-driven economy": the production, distribution and use of digital information of all kinds has become a major force in economic gro...
Italy is a highly seismic country. It's not the only one, of course: on the same level, and maybe even worse off, there are California, Japan, Turkey, the Pacific coast of South America and many o...
The explosion of social media has had the effect of reducing the attention span of readers, who in turn are ever hungrier for real time news. Given the lack of resources, traditional newsrooms have ...
The ‘indiscrimate plundering’ by Italian media organisations of articles from non-Italian media organisations for re-hash publication. And in stark contrast the seemingly well-rooted and almost ...
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