The advance of technology is radically changing the way humankind works, lives and communicates. And even the way reality is understood and interpreted. What effects might the digital revolution pro...
Events - panel discussions
How to effectively and directly inform citizens about science and the environment? After the recent events held at the University of Rome Tor Vergata and at the European Commission, Giornalisti Nell...
From Watergate to phantom flights, the Freedom of Information Act has allowed journalists access to important information. In Italy an FIA does not exist – and neither (yet) does a jornalistic/ins...
Journalism though cartoons and illustrated books. A not-so-new but at times surprisingly effective way of engaging readers in serious social issues. Organised in association with Mamma!
Live news coverage: how to plan for it, how to structure it, what tools to use, to what degree TV dictates the agenda. From the first TVblog liveblogging to today. The risks of a blunder, the need f...
Today, there are many examples in the United States and abroad. From the Pulitzer Prize winner Politifact to the latest arrival Truthteller of The Washington Post, fact-checking is discovering a new...
Travel writing and reporting is at a crossroads in an era when questions like "what should I see, where should I stay, where should I eat?" are often answered directly by other travellers via blogs ...
Internationalisation, new languages and the economy. The role of the banks in the age of the spread and ratings. Organised in association with UniCredit
The war in Syria through the photos and words of journalists who have been there. The panel will be dedicated to the memory of the war photographer Olivier Voisin, who was due to speak on this panel...
As news industry globalisation races on at full steam the resilience and indeed the growing success of hyperlocal news might appear paradoxical. What’s its secret? Much emphasis is given to the no...
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