News, commenti, anteprime, inchieste, interviste. I maggiori quotidiani italiani stanno sperimentando l’utilizzo dei contenuti audio come nuovo strumento per un giornalismo di qualità. Una nuova op...
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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/ on line 91
Stefano Chiarazzo
founder and director Social Radio LabWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Digital is bringing traditional radio stations to a progressive adaptation of their business model and their way of providing entertainment and news. New challenges and opportunities abound, such as t...
Great authors, journalists, speakers and sound engineers but also experts of events, digital marketing and advertising. The right mix of employees and outsourced roles make the success of a channel. ...
From live debate on light topics to live witness accounts of citizens facing an emergency: how are Italian radio stations taking the opportunities of social networks to involve listeners in content ...
From news to commentaries, from weather forecast to traffic, from interviews to talk shows, from press reviews to infotainment. The radio has always been synonymous with news and services to citiz...