Journalism and philanthropy are in a complicated, interdependent relationship with each other. Media platforms increasingly need foundations to fund beat reporting, investigative journalism and innova...
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Rob Wijnberg
co-founder and editor-in-chief De CorrespondentWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
We know that listening to our audiences, amplifying their voices, and building conversation around our work all make for good journalism. But do these pillars of community engagement also make for goo...
Almost permanently online, with a hard-wired disposition to share or like anything eye-catching, not cash or asset-rich yet but they will be soon; meet the Millennials, any advertiser’s swoon drea...
For background reading on the remarkable De Correspondent success story; Mathew Ingram's This online journalism startup raised $1.7M in crowdfunding and you've never heard of it