Il giornalismo dovrebbe avere un ruolo cruciale nell’informare sul riscaldamento globale, che la comunità scientifica considera la più grave emergenza ambientale della nostra epoca: una minaccia p...
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Riccardo Iacona
Presadiretta RAI 3Warning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Organised in association with the Associazione Giornalisti Scuola di Perugia.
Can models of feminine, masculine and gender-based relationships offered by advertising, television, cinema and social media be considered part of the cultural backdrop which leads to gender-based vio...
In 2015, Italy was reprimanded by the World Health Organisation for the decrease in vaccination rates. Notwithstanding the abundance of dissemination and fact-checking activities on the matter, fear, ...
The call for the closure of borders, for isolation, for others to "go back home," for nationalism runs sharply counter to the sense of globalism and interdependence that the "great leaders of the worl...
The taboo of sex: why in Italy it's impossible to speak of sexuality and sentiments at school
According to a recent report published by the World Health Organization, sex education at school promotes a decrease in unprotected sex, in sexually transmitted diseases and in teenage pregnancies. ...
The parallel and secret lives of millions of Italian men. What are marital and partner relationships becoming in Italy? Riccardo Iacona reveals the most unspeakable voice of Italian males. Fathers, ...
The annual A Story Still to Tell award invites the submission of short articles and/or videos on the circumstances surrounding the murder of an Italian journalist. The 2013 award is dedicated to th...