Le donne, pur svolgendo ruoli rilevanti nel contesto dei conflitti bellici, in un ambiente dominato dagli uomini sono percepite come 'corpi estranei'. Questo rende la dinamica di genere ancora più ...
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Marta Serafini
Corriere della Sera (via video)Warning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/media.journalismfestival.com/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/vlog/userDetails.php on line 209
L'invasione su larga scala dell'Ucraina da parte della Russia ha mobilitato fin da subito una vasta resistenza popolare. Alla minaccia dell'invasore si è sovrapposta infatti una resistenza ben più v...
After the war effort to defeat the black flags of the caliphate, the Kurds, once again, risk being abandoned by their allies. History repeats itself for this minority in the Middle East, which once ag...
What war really is: the testimony of two highly appreciated and respected war photographers. Moderated by Marta Serafini.
"They built a cage for me so that my freedom would be their concession. That I should give thanks and obey. But I am free before and after them, with them and without them, I am free in victory and de...
The French services have confirmed it. "We have underestimated the role of women enrolled by Isis." Brides of jihad, girls who went for an adventure, sex slaves. Girls used as suicide bombers, as it w...
The Syrian conflict is one of the longest and bloodiest of the Middle East. Nevertheless, there are very few journalists who have managed to document it on the ground. This is why activists who have...
For several months the Islamic State, or ISIS, has been threatening the world with its violence and its plans of conquest. After seizing large areas of Syria and Iraq, and declaring, last June, the ...
When it comes to women in politics (like Hilary Clinton) some parts of the Western media still give a perhaps surprising amount of attention to the way they are dressed and the number of wrinkles on...
The presentation of an in-depth analysis of how Italian newspapers use Facebook and Twitter.