Il 2024 è il più grande anno elettorale della Storia: più di 4 miliardi di persone in oltre 76 Paesi in tutto il mondo sono chiamati alle urne. Cosa è successo negli ultimi mesi, cosa sta succeden...
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Marco Damilano
journalist and authorWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
LIVE - Propaganda Live #ijf19— journalism festival (@journalismfest) April 7, 2019 Videos, social media, cartoons, the music of the Propaganda Live Orchestra, all in...
Video, spiegoni, tutorial, social, fumetti, la musica della Propaganda Live Orchestra. Tutto questo in una serata live assieme all'originale 'compagnia di giro' capitanata da Diego Bianchi. Un appunta...
The 1978 kidnapping and murder of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro marked the end of an era. Marco Damilano has decided to go back to that moment, to investigate the trajectories that, starting from o...
Diego Bianchi and his Gazebo (RAI 3) team of journalists, cartoonists, comics and musicians with their alternative and innovative presentation of the news. A unique show in the Italian mediaspace. ...
La Repubblica dei Brocchi (The Republic of Morons) is the latest book by Sergio Rizzo. And the title refers to the image the Italian ruling class offers. Ethical codes, the same Article 54 of the Con...
The crisis of journalism and the crisis of politics: are they mirror images? Are the reasons pushing citizens away from politics, making them feel they are no longer represented by politics and poli...
The crisis of the traditional model of parties, the personalisation of politics and ‘strong’ governments have all been ongoing processes in Italy for more than twenty years. The search for conse...
Diego Bianchi and his Gazebo (RAI 3) team of journalists, cartoonists, comics and musicians present the news in a (very) alternative way. A unique show in the Italian mediaspace.
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