Recent high profile investigations such as the Panama Papers and the Migrant Files have been developed as collaborations between organisations and across national boundaries. Why are we seeing more of...
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Mar Cabra
co-founder and executive director The Self-InvestigationWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
What is the status of data-driven journalism? Where are journalists progressing, where are the barriers to get started? Using data for daily reporting might be helpful, but how can journalists and new...
Football Leaks and the Panama Papers are two journalism projects that have redefined collaboration and scale in investigative reporting. This informal chat will give the stage to two of the people e...
Stop thinking of cool graphs when somebody mentions data journalism: European newsrooms and international organizations are increasingly using data as a core part of their investigative reporting.
This panel will look at the state of the art in how journalists build data infrastructures and collaborate around data projects. It will move beyond the stories that journalists tell with data to expl...
From the New York Times to the Guardian, US and UK newspapers have been at the forefront of developments in the use of data journalism. In the last few years, media organisations in Spain and Italy, w...
Kapuściński reloaded, or when innovation embraces reportage. What can be created from the union of data journalism, video reports and field survey? Starting from concrete examples, we will explain h...
Offshoreleaks is an ICIJ-produced story that unveiled a financial scandal, unmasking details of 130,000 offshore accounts in April 2013. Its follow-up Chinaleaks is an exposé of the Chinese elite's ...
Great Data Driven Journalism is too often associated with large and famous newsrooms, which invested in the field early and built big teams of news apps developers and data journalists (like the New Y...
Data journalism has been growing enormously in recent years even in countries where public access to information and data are not granted by a Freedom of Information Act, as is the case with many ...