Cos'è successo nell'ultima legislatura, cosa potrà succedere con il voto e perché è importante usarlo? A cura del Parlamento europeo e la Commissione europea.
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Lorenzo Pregliasco
co-founder and director YouTrendWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
In the third Eni festival session, moderated by Marco Pratellesi (co-director Agi), we speak of "formulas of journalism": facts, data and mobile. Among the speakers: Elisabetta Tola (Formicablu), Giov...
The March 2018 Italian election is now behind us, but what did it tell us about the country we've become? What communication strategies did the political leaders and their parties field, and how were ...
Trump's America: how we reported on the US elections, and what we have learned. An electoral campaign lasting a year and costing hundreds of millions of dollars ended in an unexpected way for many, ...
How to cover an election? We are accustomed to TV marathons, but we are increasingly getting news through online newspapers, live blogs and updates of the results via Twitter. In between, the classi...
Numbers, statistics and surveys accompany more and more the analysis in newspapers, but also in TV debates and talk shows. What are the rules to follow and things to know for those who produce the n...
Elections in the internet age: data journalism and social media for describing the vote
How has election reporting changed? New forms of journalism, from data journalism with interactive maps and infographics to social networks with hashtag, livetwitting and sentiment analysis are being ...