This workshop will explore products to help journalists discover content, develop an audience and identify ways to monetise through building engaged communities. Join the Meta partnerships team in thi...
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Livia Iacolare
strategic partner manager creator partnerships SCEE MetaWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Questo workshop illustrerà come l'uso di prodotti Facebook come Gruppi e Facebook Live può aiutare i giornalisti a scoprire contenuti, accrescere il proprio pubblico e raccontare storie attraverso l...
Video on Facebook has the power to drive conversations, and News Feed remains a place people discover and watch videos. In this session, Livia will go through Facebook's video storytelling tools and s...
People across the world use Facebook to connect and interact with each other. This workshop will explore how using Facebook products such as Groups and Facebook Live can help journalists discover cont...
The purpose of this masterclass is to provide journalists as well as journalism students with the know-how to use Twitter and Periscope for their daily work. The participants will be walked through ...
The purpose of this masterclass is to provide journalists as well as journalism students with the know-how to use Twitter and Periscope for their daily work. The participants will be walked through ...
Description to come. Organised in association with Twitter.
The purpose of this masterclass is to provide journalists and journalism students with the knowledge base to use Twitter and its ecosystem of apps to search, surface and verify relevant and newswort...