Gregor Aisch

CTO Datawrapper


Gregor Aisch is a Berlin-based software engineer and data journalist specialized in data visualization. He is CTO and lead developer of Datawrapper, an online charting and mapping tool used by newsrooms and data publishers around the world.

Until 2017, Gregor spend four years as Graphics Editor at The New York Times, where his work focussed on data visualization, breaking news journalism and internal newsroom tools. His work received awards such as the Malofiej Infographics Summit and the Society for News Design.

Prior to joining The Times, Gregor helped bring to life Datawrapper with Mirko Lorenz and Nicolas Kayser-Bril in 2012 and worked as freelance data journalist for various newsrooms in Germany.

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#IJF15 / 17 april 2015

On wordclouds and 3D charts

On wordclouds and 3D charts -- and why sometimes it's ok to break rules in data visualization. There are lots of lists of do's and don'ts in news graphics, but while being helpful in theory, many o...