Nella dieta mediale degli italiani i telegiornali sono al primo posto come fonte d’informazione privilegiata; seguono, ad una distanza significativa, i social media. La televisione è quindi central...
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/ on line 87
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/ on line 91
Giovanni Boccia Artieri
University of UrbinoWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Crisis management theory and technique in the post-truth era. From vaccines to chem-trails, fake news stories are not all mere hoaxes that self-generate on the web. At times they are pre-meditated w...
Newspapers and news platforms are increasingly trying to establish a relationship with a young audience through social media: BBC on Instagram, CNN on Snapchat. Twitter and Facebook are becoming cha...
The ins and outs of corporate communication and storytelling in the wake of the case study Eni vs Report.
Propaganda reloaded? Dangerous liaisons between politics and news in the social media age
The growing online presence of politicians and their habit of commenting on blogs and social media, combined with disproportionate attention from the media for such environments, has resulted in dan...
Long form journalism: how to finance, produce and disseminate in-depth reportages in the digital age
Digital seems to support a culture of news based on increasingly shorter and more abbreviated content, suitable for very short attention spans. But recently reports, surveys and long forms of narrativ...
Mutually exclusive or mutually enhancing? Or neither? The professionals and the others in the realm of news.