Online hate speech and discrimination, copyright violation, non-consensual and child pornography, exchange of information for terroristic purposes are just some of the phenomena that often occur in on...
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Giovanni Battista Gallus
partner Array LawWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Il giornalista, nell’esercizio della libertà di informare, deve garantire tutela ai minori, alla dignità delle persone, al diritto alla non discriminazione, alla dignità delle persone malate, all...
I droni sono un fantastico strumento di lavoro, sia per le redazioni che per i freelance. Nonostante la progressiva riduzione dei costi, la loro diffusione ha incontrato però rilevanti problemi legat...
Riccardo Coluccini: The use of transparency, anti-corruption and generalized civic access rights (FOIA) tools for monitoring the digital surveillance of the police and government agencies. Giovanni...
After the Snowden revelations, massive encryption of internet communications started to take-off, reducing the investigative power of law enforcement and security agencies that, in turn, increased the...
The debate on online fake news, and more in general on the authority or truthfulness (or “post truthfulness”) of content distributed online, is becoming an increasingly hot topic. But what are th...
The ENAC Regulation on drones, in its latest draft, regulates "microdrones" i.e. drones with take-off weight of no more than 300 grams, with protection for the rotors and a maximum speed not exceedi...
Drones for journalism and general use: privacy issues vs freedom of information and of the press. The viewpoint allowed by drones, especially for journalistic purposes, is so disruptive that Lev Gr...
During the Wired Next Festival 2014 - the event mostly remembered for the blitz of taxi drivers against Uber Italy - it was explained, in a few hours, how a newsroom can be equipped with a new edito...
> The legal protection (and risks) of the anonymous online source: technical and legal considerations on whistleblowing, leaking and the law. > The real protection of the anonymous source and l...
Recent Italian court judgments – including the case of Alessandro Sallusti, the editor of the Italian daily Il Giornale – have highlighted the importance of the issue of online libel and defamat...