Le donne, pur svolgendo ruoli rilevanti nel contesto dei conflitti bellici, in un ambiente dominato dagli uomini sono percepite come 'corpi estranei'. Questo rende la dinamica di genere ancora più ...
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Francesca Caferri
La RepubblicaWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/media.journalismfestival.com/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/vlog/userDetails.php on line 209
A little over ten years ago, the battle for control of Aleppo marked a turning point in the war in Syria: the reconquest of the city by the government of Bashar al Assad closed the phase of hope for t...
In the era of digital agora, political leaders, gurus and corporate CEOs can speak to millions of people every day, bypassing journalists' questions. Can video clips or headline-grabbing phrases reall...
Jamal Khashoggi: born 13 October 1958 (Medina) murdered 02 October 2018 (Istanbul)
The death of Jamal Khashoggi was more than the murder of a journalist. It has undermined the axis with Saudi Arabia on which Donald Trump's United States had built their entire Middle Eastern policy, ...
With the definitive victory of Bashar al Assad, a question weighs on the future of Syria. Will there ever be justice for the thousands of people killed, disappeared or tortured? On what memory will Sy...
Reporting from inside Yemen is becoming exceptional due to the lack of visas and entry permission. In three years of war, female journalists with double nationalities and/or family ties have been ab...
Noura Ghazi Safadi in conversation with Francesca Caferri and Donatella Della Ratta. It was 15 March 2011 and thousands of people took to the streets of Damascus, shouting slogans similar to those th...
Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently: the courage of reporting on life in Syria under ISIS
In northern Syria, near the border with Turkey, stands the town of Raqqa, considered the headquarters and capital of the Islamic State. The lack of journalists on the ground, both national and inter...
Khartoum is the capital of Sudan, the home country of the cartoonist Khalid Albaih, from which he is in exile. "Khartoon!" is a play on words and the name of his Facebook page. Albaih's cartoons hav...
Women, morality, religion. Two years after the fall of Ben Ali, Tunisia is coming to terms with its dual personality: on the one hand secular and Westernized, on the other hand deeply Arab and Isl...