Social media, podcast, dirette video, libri, incontri pubblici e perfino fumetti. La scienza oggi entra in dialogo con le persone attraverso molteplici canali e diventa racconto, storia, analisi, dato...
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/ on line 87
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Elisabetta Tola
presenter Radio3 ScienzaWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Le disparità di genere persistono anche nel mondo universitario, tra i laboratori e i dipartimenti dove si fa ricerca e le aule dove si formano le nostre future generazioni. Quando pensiamo che l’e...
The scientific world is not exempt from abuses of power and racist thoughts and practices. On the contrary, as evidenced by the approval of racial laws in the 1930s or the persistence of eugenic movem...
A inizio anno, l'Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità ha dichiarato che il 2023 potrebbe essere l'ultimo anno dell'emergenza pandemica da Covid-19. Mentre si cerca di capire se ci aspetta una "nuova ...
Cosa differenzia un preprint, una open publication, un paper scientifico, un comunicato stampa di un istituto di ricerca e una dichiarazione di un esperto? Come si deve regolare un giornalista che vuo...
In the third Eni festival session, moderated by Marco Pratellesi (co-director Agi), we speak of "formulas of journalism": facts, data and mobile. Among the speakers: Elisabetta Tola (Formicablu), Giov...
Facelift challenge: Let's get together and find collaborative processes for climate change journalism. Journalists, we have a problem. We need to find new narratives, new sensible ways to use clima...
Connecting science and journalism though climate change and digital innovation
The last few years have been too centered on the issues of fake news and debunking, particularly in some field of science, to actually reflect other very urgent questions that, in the long run, are li...
Basic tools and working method of a data journalist. Data formats, sources, tools for analysis, export and sharing online of datasets. Use of Google worksheets and fast visualization tools. Google Pub...
Opening a YouTube channel, organizing it, building trust and fruitful interactions with fans and followers, prioritize and make your contents more accessible using playlists and different formats. Imp...
This workshop is centered on the use of Google geolocation tools with different applications. MyMaps to create interactive maps that rank different events over a certain territory. Since import data u...
A science-journalism dialogue workshop on the reading, interpretation and return of scientific data. Two researchers act as a source and explain a "case" with relevant scientific data, as they would ...
Online security, verification and advanced research tools. Data and Google trends
Use of different tools and applications to navigate safely and protect your accounts and you digital contents. Optimize the use of the search engine to obtain relevant results in a faster and more acc...
Start from a datasheet to build an interactive map. Use MyMaps to produce rapidly an interactive map with markers, pictures and links. Learn how to use Streeview and its resources of historical and ...
Learn how to use Advanced Search and search operators in order to improve your chances to find the right informations on the web: lower the background noise, choose the proper archives, reduce the s...
Learn how to open your Youtube channel, how to populate it and how to engage and retain your audience on your channel. Get tips on the best practices to create a well branded channel and to produce ...
Learn how to use Advanced Search and search operators in order to improve your chances to find the right informations on the web: lower the background noise, choose the proper archives, reduce the s...
There is not (yet) a Freedom of Information Act in Italy such as in the United States and in the United Kingdom, but the rules on access can be very useful to journalists and citizens. Diritto Di Sa...
For a long time, journalists have had no real interest in finding out what impacts their stories are having: "Get the story out now. And tomorrow is a new news day" seems to have been the motto. We ...
From the New York Times to the Guardian, US and UK newspapers have been at the forefront of developments in the use of data journalism. In the last few years, media organisations in Spain and Italy, w...
Kapuściński reloaded, or when innovation embraces reportage. What can be created from the union of data journalism, video reports and field survey? Starting from concrete examples, we will explain h...
Italy is a highly seismic country. It's not the only one, of course: on the same level, and maybe even worse off, there are California, Japan, Turkey, the Pacific coast of South America and many o...
Data journalism has been growing enormously in recent years even in countries where public access to information and data are not granted by a Freedom of Information Act, as is the case with many ...