In the past few months, many news publishers in the US have announced layoffs. Others have tweaked or abandoned their paywalls and pursued more open models. And yet, beyond the Anglosphere, some news...
Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /var/www/ on line 87
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Eduardo Suarez
head of editorial Reuters Institute for the Study of JournalismWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
While concerns around misinformation, disinformation, and the need for greater media trust and literacy are becoming increasingly common, these concerns are often understood in the context of creating...
Latin America is always in crisis — political instability, corruption scandals, social unrest, drug trafficking, and migration are some of the issues that monopolize coverage, but that are difficult...
Membership models: all you need to know about running a member-centric newsroom
Membership models are on the rise. They are more than just a way to diversify revenue streams. They aim to build a new and solid foundation for journalism. Building a successful membership program req...
The pandemic has accelerated the shift towards reader revenue models. Most of the news leaders recently surveyed by the Reuters Institute say that memberships and digital subscriptions will be their m...
How can news outlets’ editorial independence be safeguarded in an era of declining revenues?
The issues of financial vulnerability and media outlets’ editorial independence are inextricably intertwined. Radical changes in news consumption, disrupted business models and dire economic repercu...
In the current news ecosystem, filter bubbles, echo chambers, misinformation and viralized fake news are rampant. We will address how artificial intelligence (AI) could, on the one hand, help journali...
This panel will examine the membership models of several news outlets in Europe. Membership models are increasingly popular. They’ve been embraced by small publications but also by big news organiza...