The Parliamentary Commission of inquiry discovered more in one year of work than two prosecutors in nine years of investigations. The whole truth about what happened before, during and after the death...
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Davide Vecchi
editor Corriere dell’UmbriaWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Giuliano Turone, giudice emerito della Corte di Cassazione, è stato da magistrato tra i protagonisti della terribile stagione politica che va dal 1978 al 1980. Un triennio macchiato dalle uccisioni d...
What is the truth about David Rossi? The investigation into the death of the manager of the Monte dei Paschi Bank, found dead on the evening of 6 March 2013 in the alley under the window of his office...
From the prosecution to journalists for divulging court documents linked to the Monte dei Paschi di Siena case to the lists drawn up by politicians against journalists: how does financial and politi...
A discussion on the unlikely rise of current Italian PM Matteo Renzi, taking as its starting point the book L'intoccabile. Matteo Renzi - la vera storia (2014) by Davide Vecchi.