How to identify the best sources for a difficult investigation. Then how to get even unwilling sources to co-operate. The best sources are often people with something to hide. But how do you convinc...
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David Crawford
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Italian organised crime is a global problem, yet all syndicates maintain strongholds in their local area. Three newsrooms - Grandangolo in Agrigento (Sicily), Il Dispaccio in Reggio Calabria, Correc...
Transnational investigative journalism: 3 examples Three investigations, the IRPI-Correctiv-El Confidencial-Tages Anzeiger joint work The Wolves of Europe which uncovered a fraud of fake bonds perp...
The shooting down of flight MH17 is one of the greatest war crimes of modern times – and the truth still hasn’t been told. On 17 July 2014, at about 16:20 local time, Malaysia Airlines flight MH...