From the so-called Pillon proposal of law and the dangers for women and minors in situations of violence, to the attacks on the law on abortion with various "pro-life" motions presented in the municip...
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Claudia Torrisi
freelance journalistWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Where are the investigative journalists exposing and challenging patriarchy, gender discrimination and structural violence against women? Where is the feminist Intercept? We are at a crucial moment fo...
#IJF18 /
12 april 2018
From #metoo to #quellavoltache: the movement against sexual harassment in Italy
From the United States to Europe, from the Wenstein case to the #metoo movement: an earthquake has knocked down the wall of silence that had hitherto covered sexual harassment and abuse. Women have sp...
The panel will address the challenges presented to the media covering male violence against women, and especially femicide (the killing of a woman because she is a woman). Looking at data and example...