A partire dai loro ultimi libri, Tobagi e Biondani ripercorrono la storia dello stragismo nero in Italia, tra le responsabilità accertate e le sacche di impunità frutto dei depistaggi. Tra passato e...
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Benedetta Tobagi
journalist and authorWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/media.journalismfestival.com/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/vlog/userDetails.php on line 209
Il terrorismo politico è stato una tragica specificità della storia dell’Italia repubblicana, insieme alla presenza pervasiva della criminalità organizzata (mafia, camorra, ‘ndrangheta). Dalla ...
The journey of those crossing the Mediterranean, risking being swallowed by the waves, is characterized by fear, despair, flight from war and persecution, terror for those left behind. And for those w...
“In an exercise of memory proposed by Sandra Bonsanti, the author retraces the main stages of the nihilistic and criminal history of the relationship of power-money in recent decades and hidden unde...
The presentation of Articolo36, a new publication with a simple and straightforward editorial focus: to defend the right of every worker (young journalists included) not to have to work gratis. In t...
The annual A Story Still to Tell award invites the submission of short articles and/or videos on the circumstances surrounding the murder of an Italian journalist. The 2013 award is dedicated to th...