Healthy democracy relies on open, free and fair public debate. However, the spread of mis- and disinformation – or, better said, the “information disorder” – in the media ecosystem is threaten...
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Barbara Sgarzi
journalist and authorWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Social media journalism and DCM, from journalism to digital content management. Two new manuals for journalists and communicators will be presented by the authors in this double workshop: find out how...
The ins and outs of corporate communication and storytelling in the wake of the case study Eni vs Report.
In a rapidly changing world, marked by a major employment crisis, what are the most important skills to give journalism students? How to equip them for the present and an evolving future?
As journalists progress in their careers, their online reputation is an essential component of who they are, and how their work is perceived. In this workshop, we will discuss best practices for s...
The communication of large corporations, with the complicity of the digital world, continues to evolve and to seize opportunities for direct interaction with customers and stakeholders. Social media a...
The Online News Association recently formed a working group of journalists who deal with user-generated content to discuss the ethics and standards of digital and social newsgathering. The first step ...
Network, information, communication and technology; words of a world increasingly populated by women. This panel is inspired by the speech by Megan Smith, Google's vice president, at the Women 2.0 co...
In a context where a permanent job in a newsroom is increasingly hard to come by, building an identity and a strong reputation, both online and offline, is essential for a journalist. In this workshop...
"Talking about Italian regional cuisine is like entering a labyrinth. You take a road thinking you know clearly what your destination will be and in an instant you are carried far away, not only in sp...
There’s no denying the significance of community projects in determining the quality of reader contributions, from comments onwards. The community and news organisation interface is vital. But doe...
Workshop conducted by Barbara Sgarzi, introduction by Mario Tedeschini Lalli. You are a journalist with a Twitter account, you follow a number of people, you actually tweet each day, but you don't ...