Lettura e ascolto sono i migliori strumenti per evitare di alimentare interpretazioni stereotipate sull'Africa. In questo incontro si affronterà la "smitizzazione" del Continente utilizzando le paro...
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Antonella Sinopoli
founder AfroWomenPoetryWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/media.journalismfestival.com/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/vlog/userDetails.php on line 209
Even mainstream journalists are activists. They become so whenever they touch uncomfortable and unpopular topics. Or when they endanger their safety just to denounce regimes, situations, and dangerous...
There is a great school of investigative journalism in Africa, consisting of journalists, photojournalists, African and Western video-makers who operate in the areas of which they have deep knowledge...
Anas Aremeyaw Anas is a celebrated investigative journalist in Ghana, focusing on issues of human rights and corruption. He has become well known for using his anonymity as a tool in his undercover...
Africa as represented in the Western media: fallacies, approximations, omissions
This panel aims at raising awareness among fellow journalists (and readers) on how issues concerning the African continent are treated, urging them to spread more carefully qualified news and events...