Let’s save our children from misinformation and misleading content. How might we reshape media literacy - using visual tools, VR, AR, Voice Assistants - to interact with new generations, keep them ...
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Andrea Iannuzzi
managing editor Rep: projectWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/media.journalismfestival.com/httpdocs/wp-content/themes/vlog/userDetails.php on line 209
The News Impact Network cookbook - 15 tasty pan-European recipes to become master chefs in leadership, newsroom transformation, and community engagement processes (and, last but not least, friends). ...
The rise of Artificial Intelligence in the newsroom has been hyped as both the coming apocalypse and journalism's potential saviour. But how can we even begin to understand whether these hyperbole are...
For a few years now virtual reality, augmented reality and 360° video represent one of frontiers of experimentation for journalism. 2016 was the year in which many publishers and editors worldwide de...
The inexorable crisis of the news publishing industry and the difficulty in finding business models able to replace the decline of so-called "legacy media" imposes a reflection about the sustainabilit...
The first era of online video is over. Done are the days of newspapers building crazy expensive TV studios and broadcasters piping full programmes onto websites without clipping and adapting for web a...
Italian organised crime is a global problem, yet all syndicates maintain strongholds in their local area. Three newsrooms - Grandangolo in Agrigento (Sicily), Il Dispaccio in Reggio Calabria, CORRE...
Emotional proximity: journalism between brands and platforms by Andrea Iannuzzi
Emotional proximity: journalism between brands and platforms - by Andrea Iannuzzi from International Journalism Festival
Rebooting a 200-year-old Startup. How the Guardian is making the transition to a digitally led newsroom. Introduction by Andrea Iannuzzi.
Traffic on mobile devices will in the very near future overtake traffic on desktop platforms. For content producers it has become essential to think and plan with a mobile-first logic, focusing on use...
If newspapers are "zombies", journalism wants to survive and prosper. Economic sustainability is the philosopher's stone that everyone is still searching for, starting from one certainty; in a digital...
If newspapers are "zombies", journalism wants to survive and prosper. Economic sustainability is the philosopher's stone that everyone is still searching for, starting from one certainty; in a digital...
What effect does the ever increasing velocity of on-and-offline news have on the quality of that news? Some speak of the Twitterization of news, but what does that really mean? How best can Jay Ro...
As news industry globalisation races on at full steam the resilience and indeed the growing success of hyperlocal news might appear paradoxical. What’s its secret? Much emphasis is given to the no...
Reflections on responsive content design, in other words the production of news content which is adaptable to different reader platforms and to different contexts of use.
A time-honoured format – namely the daily evening print newspaper – transformed into a digital version. From the morning editorial meeting to its appearance on the digital news-stands (iPad, web...
Thanks to Twitter individual journalists are becoming ‘one-man news organisations’, replacing newspapers as the primary source of news for many readers. But at what price? An analysis of the pre...