Musica e gang, ragazzini e mafie, azione e fascinazione. Gli ultimi fatti di cronaca vedono spesso protagonisti ragazzini, spesso organizzati in bande criminali. A Milano come a Napoli o Londra o Pari...
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Amalia De Simone
investigative reporter RAI 3Warning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
Le donne, pur svolgendo ruoli rilevanti nel contesto dei conflitti bellici, in un ambiente dominato dagli uomini sono percepite come 'corpi estranei'. Questo rende la dinamica di genere ancora più ...
Media freedom and pluralism are key values of the European Union as well as the preconditions for the realisation of democracy. However, in recent years concerns about the politicization of the media,...
The Parliamentary Commission of inquiry discovered more in one year of work than two prosecutors in nine years of investigations. The whole truth about what happened before, during and after the death...
Le principali organizzazioni criminali sono sempre più simili a delle multinazionali, per introiti, capacità di espansione e obiettivi di sviluppo. Ma l’internazionalizzazione, per i giornalisti d...
Gli intrecci tra ‘ndrangheta e tifoseria calcistica sono stati al centro di una puntata di Report trasmessa lo scorso anno, che partiva dal misterioso suicidio di un tifoso juventino. L’inchiesta ...
Raffaele Cantone, president of Anac, the National Anti-Corruption Authority, has been fighting corruption in Italy for many years and explains that prevention is more effective than cure in order to s...
In line with the globalization of commercial traffic, for years the Italian mafias have been becoming more internationalized. Europe in particular has become a single field of action and interaction w...
From the prosecution to journalists for divulging court documents linked to the Monte dei Paschi di Siena case to the lists drawn up by politicians against journalists: how does financial and politi...
Attacks against investigative journalism in Italy don't come (just) from death threats. Intimidatory lawsuits, unjustified seizures, deficient and inadequate laws, unreasonable claims for compensati...
The attacks against investigative journalism in Italy have not been coming just from death threats. Reckless complaints, unjustified seizures, deficient and inadequate laws, claims for compensation,...
Refuse collection and the mafia: northern and southern Italy under the spotlight
In the North of Italy there is an environmental emergency due to illegal toxic waste spill but politicians and the media are struggling to admit it. Why? What are the points of contact and the diffe...
See article (in Italian) for detailed background information.