Covid-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have brought increased urgency to discussions on how to protect against the worst outcomes of dis and misinformation. Whether it’s a report on Kremlin-ba...
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Alan Rusbridger
editor Prospect MagazineWarning: Undefined array key "offset" in /var/www/ on line 209
The New European newspaper (TNE) was launched in a hurry, just nine days after Britain’s Brexit referendum in 2016 and was designed to last just four weeks. Seven years later, founder and editor-in-...
Once upon a time they were the audience. Then "the people formerly known as the audience". Then came the backlash, with comment sections closed down and a revolt against social media. Then a counter-m...
International awards contribute to raising awareness of the importance of journalism and of the risks that this profession presents. The latest, important, example of this is the Nobel Peace Prize ass...
When basic freedoms -- including freedom of expression -- are under attack in democracies around the world, and when climate change is accelerating, staying with traditional newsroom practices isn't j...
The public editor role has long been an “endangered species” in global journalism. Why has this accountability and transparency role failed to take a stronger hold in journalism? Can we reimagine ...
Conversations from the ecosystem: how to reenergize and protect free expression and local journalists
The events of the last two pandemic years have spurred old and new conversations about the role of journalism to uphold the truth and report on the news in a hyper-politicized media ecosystem. Orthodo...
Launch of the Ethical Journalism Network’s annual magazine on international media ethics. Join the Ethical Journalism Network’s CEO Hannah Storm and journalism colleagues for the launch of the EJ...
Around the world, most recently including liberal democracies, journalism and journalists are under attack. But that is a symptom of a much deeper trend: a move away from the basic freedoms that were ...
While the news industry struggles to find a sustainable revenue model, newsrooms including Reuters and some promising digital startups have announced mass layoffs in recent months. Meanwhile, nonprofi...
Facebook and Twitter are being blamed for almost every ill of society. Have the tech companies screwed up? Sure. But are journalists justified leaving social platforms and turning their backs on the c...
Presentation of the book Breaking News: The Remaking of Journalism and Why It Matters Now (2018) by Alan Rusbridger. Moderated by Mathew Ingram. How do we know any more what is true and what isn’...
The increasingly complex subject of ethics cuts across every region and across all sectors – business, government, sport, music, tech – everything. This panel will look at how we cover ethical iss...
Investigating links between governments and organised crime: the murders of Daphne Caruana Galizia and Ján Kuciak
My family warned @EU_Commission that with my mother #DaphneCaruanaGalizia's assassination Malta had set a new standard of permissible behaviour within the EU and that others would soon die if decisive...
Media commentators are calling for technology companies to be nationalized, boycotted, and even shut down, claiming they are the ruination of society. Really? Are we worse off or better off with the n...
Connecting science and journalism though climate change and digital innovation
The last few years have been too centered on the issues of fake news and debunking, particularly in some field of science, to actually reflect other very urgent questions that, in the long run, are li...
The 2014 Pulitzer Prize for Public Service was awarded to the The Washington Post and to The Guardian US for “its revelation of widespread secret surveillance by the National Security Agency, helpin...