Events - presentations

#IJF13 / 24 april 2013

COLORS: making the news

Patrick Waterhouse will present recent editions of the magazine, each dedicated to a particular topic (transport, happiness, markets, etc), and in particular the latest edition which focuses on Maki...

#IJF13 / 24 april 2013

LinkedIn for journalists

A training session for professional journalists who wish to learn how to get the best and the most out of LinkedIn. Session leader Marcello Albergoni, country manager LinkedIn Italy and Spain. Orga...

#IJF13 / 24 april 2013

The new search paradigm

The workshop will provide a brief introduction into the new search paradigm and explains how to use Tame to professionally to search and analyse trends, experts and links on Twitter. We are current...

#IJF13 / 25 april 2013

Save your newsroom with one click

Sourcefabric build open tools for content creators. With them, media organisations from Senegal to Switzerland are creating sustainable, independent newsrooms. Are these innovation-driven enterprise...

#IJF13 / 25 april 2013

Newsmodo - source or sell news

Presentation by founder Rakhal Ebeli of Newsmodo, a new web-based platform that connects media organisations with a fast-growing global network of freelance contributors including journalists, photo...

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