Online voting is an increasingly discussed issue, searching for a more participatory form of democracy for citizens. Can current platforms provide the same guarantees as the physical vote? In this...
Events - hackers' corner
Internet has attracted the masses like Toyland, but behind topics such as "freedom of information" "net neutrality" and "self-determination of digital identity", used both by both activists and mult...
In this workshop we will analyze dozens of titles and articles published in recent years in the national and international press related to events characterized by a strong technological aspect. The...
Blogs, social networks, news aggregators and content-sharing platforms are extremely flexible and effective tools for the exercise of journalism. The use of new technologies and procedures relating ...
Targeted attacks, general attacks, APT (Advanced Persistent Threat). What is the state of play of cyber attacks? Which are the new trends (and which are old but still valid)? A discussion about the ...
OONI is a project which aims to collect information about the reality of Internet censorship in the world. Measurements are made using open methodologies and free software. The data collected is mad...
Recent Italian court judgments – including the case of Alessandro Sallusti, the editor of the Italian daily Il Giornale – have highlighted the importance of the issue of online libel and defamat...
Internet security of the location of the journalist is often seen as a challenge, a waste of time, a surrender to comfort. In order to create a secure location, developers have been working for five...
Defamation and the press: latest news on the personal responsibility of the journalist and the editor, the investigative reporter, the cartoonist and political satire, from the "Sallusti case" to bl...
One of the most frequent activities of a journalist these days is the search for information on the web. The correlation of digital identities and traces of online users often cannot be performed ma...
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