Rosy Battaglia

founder Cittadini Reattivi

Rosy Battaglia is the founder and editor of Cittadini Reattivi, a crowdsourced civic journalism project of environmental health which won the 2013 Fondazione Ahref award for multimedia investigative journalism with high civic and social impact. It is part of the Crowd-Powered News Network created by Amanda Zamora of Propublica. She contributes to the Italian publications Wired Italia, Nòva Il Sole 24 Ore, La Nuova Ecologia, Terre di Mezzo and is a member of the board of the Federazione Italiana Media Ambientali. She recently participated in an investigation by Wired Italy on the effects of asbestos, allied with the petition #AddioAmianto. She is the winner of the first prize of the 2013 Premio Informazione Digitale La Stampa.

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